Sony's forays into android smartphones have be well documented.As sony ericsson we say an array of handsets without a star.Then we had a hopeful xperia S which wowed with its display ,but confused with its design.Then a side step into the xperia T,The james bond phone,that for us felt awkward in its design.
Recent efforts were blighted with unnecessary software,and a theme of using hardware that never really put sony in the spotlight:that's all changed with the sony xperia Z.but is there enough is this latest handset to give sony the top spot?
If you're not wowed when you see the sony xperia Z,then you should probably stop reading now.A glass monolith,the 5 inch handset is certainly large.It measures 139 x 71x7.9mm and weight 149g,so despite having one of the largest displays out there-before crossing into tablet terrirtory-it isn't the heaviest device around